Print Text Object. First parameter is the text object (Text,
or Paragraph Object)
In second parameter you can specify additional parameters.
Normally the text will be printed with the default print font
(the optimal font and size for documents).The FONT_FROM_OBJECT
parameter will print the text with the same font like in the
Prints the full page - what you see is what will be printed.
Prints only part of the page surrounded by any Object
Rectangle. This object can by anything and it doesnÆt have to
be visible. It could be for example square on the background û
everything what is inside the square will be printed.
Both commands have another option fit û this is the percentage of the fit to the page. Default (nothing) is 100 (means 100 %)
If you put 75 û it means the printed image will be just 75% of the width of the paper.